jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016

A Celebration

Hi Geobloggers!

Today I woke up ill, so I don't went to the class, I don't have a memorable birthday, for this today I will speak about the wedding of my brother, this celebration was very important for me, he married to Esteli the 6 of february of this year (2016)

In my family we are three siblings, 2 woman and 1 man, My brother is the only man among the siblings, besides he has always had a beautiful heart, a friendly personality and a soul of children, so although he have 35 years old (13 years more that me) I love to my brother like if was more young that me xD.

The wedding was beautiful, it was on a plot in Pirque, was an outdoor wedding, they don't married for the church, they married by civil, and the ceremony was like a catholic ceremony but with a judge instead of  a priest.

All was decorated with sunflowers, and the seats was small pieces of trunks over the grass, The bride wore a beautiful  white dress and the groom a typical tuxedo.

I cried all the ceremony!!! for many reasons xD but the principal reason is because in the wedding wasn't our mother because she die six years ago, and wasn't our father because he was in the hospital, so my brother don't had any parents in your wedding and this was very sad , however was many family and friends.

After of wedding ceremony everyone moved to other place for take the wedding picture, and I with a niece of Esteli distributed, to everyone, small bags with red paper's hearts that I made and prepared days ago :D and everyone throwed this hearts over the couple.

After, the bride and groom went up to a small castle that was inside the plot for give some words to the guests and then everyone went to eat near a pool in middle of beautiful trees.

To finish everyone went to a hall for receive the bouquet, drink and dance.

This is all! see you later!

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello Camila! Good job! Very nice pictures! And very nice event! I imagine your happiness that day :). Regards!

  2. What a beautiful wedding i liked the photos, bless!
