Hi Geobloggers ¿how are you?
Today I will speak about a famous chilean, and in this post I choose write about Victor Jara (1932-1973), he is a composer and singer of the "New Chilean Song", was famous in many counntries in the world beacuse he played music with social and political thems, also he was part of the Communist Party and he was murder in 1973 in the coup d'état, wass transformed his songs in a fight emblem for tyhe people during the military dictatorship.
I knew to Victor Jara since always xD, all my life! my family always was in favor of the fight by the social justice, and my familly was very damaged by the military dictatorship, my grandfather was political prisioner, my aunt and my mother was tortured, my cousin was murder, among others, for all these reasons, my parents always listened protest music and always they told me the stories about the people that fought for the human rights like they was heroes, and among them was Victor Jara, a man that fought to the end of his live for defend to the people and to the dream of a better world, where the people have the sames rights and chances, a place where the people can live withaout pain produced by the poverty and the exploitation of other people.
For all these reaons I admire to this person, and all people that fought, fight and will figth by a bettter world. If I would met with he (thing that is impossible, because he is dead) I think that I will tell him thanks!, for all his work, and for his strength.
This is all!! Regards!
Hi camila, victor jara is a person very important for the history our country, I think is incredible that since child you have known its history. Great post.
ResponderBorrarWhat a great family history and lament much what could have happened to them, the important thing is that as a society we can continue learning from those lamentable decisions
ResponderBorrarHi Camila! nice job! Victor Jara is very important in chile! I found very interesting your post and I'm sorry for your family Cami! Regards!
ResponderBorrarHello Camila, Victor Jara was big person in the history of chile and music, her social role and legacy is very good, I would that every chilean person can known to Victor jara regards
ResponderBorrarLots of Chilean's name him a a important historical figure but I don't know much about his life or music.
ResponderBorrarLots of Chilean's name him a a important historical figure but I don't know much about his life or music.