jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2016

The last post

Hi Geobloggers!

This is the last post in my blog :( and this time I will answer some question:

Did you enjoy using the blog this semester?

Yes, I anjoyed very much doing the blog, I love my blog, is the thing that I most enjoyed of this year, was my favourite part of the English class and helped me to learn English, that is a leanguage very dificult  for me

What post did you like writing best? Why?

The post that I most like writing this semester was "A one on one (Quino and Yuzuru Hanyu)" this post was very enjoy of writing because the two person that I chose are very interesting and I love them :D, I am fan of both xD.

What Post was most boring? Why?

The post most boring for me was the last post called "2016 - The Good. the Bad and the Ugly", because was very dificult for me remember and classify the events of this year.

Do you think you English improved because of the blog? Why?

Yes! before of use the blog, the English was very, very, very dificult for me, I couldn't write more that three words xD, and I was very slow to read, the blog helped me to understand better this lenguage.

Which classmate's blog did you enjoy reading? Why?

I enjoyed reading the blog of Miguel becuase he always write about glaciers xD and his posts were interesting, I learnt many new things related to the geography whit the Miguel's blog.

This is all! Good Bye! Happy New Year!! Regards!

jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2016

2016 - The Good. the Bad and the Ugly

Hi Geobloggers!

Today I will write about 2016, this year wasn't interesting nor productive for me, I liked  pass all the subjects in the university the first semester, be able of spend time with my niece, traveled whit my friends, read and see new and good anime, know new people, among others.

I disliked the homeworks in the university, some bad marks in tests of subjects that I liked, the boring days of all year xD, that a man stole my cellphone, I wasn't able to go to Mendoza for see to my family the last weekend, I wasn't emotionally able of go to the cementery to visit to my mother, don't be able of grow, mature and free myself of my fears.

I didn't many things, I traveled to Towers of Paine, I did trekking, zumba and many homeworks for the university, read many manga, saw many anime and I carefulled to my niece, this is all, this year was very boring.

In TV I saw some series and movies in Netflix like, Vikings, Modern Family, Reign, House of cards, Cosmos, Sing street, among others; in the cinema I saw "Me before you", "Miss Peregrine" among others. By internet I saw many good anime like, Natsume Yuujinchou Go, Yuri on ice, Haikyuu second season,, Ajin, the movie called  kimi no na wa, among others, I read manga and saw doramas too.

 This year I heard many United states pop, soundtracks of anime, movies and Dramas, instrumental music, classical music, Andean music, k-pop, among others, I always listen a mix of diferents styles of music xD

This year I traveled to Tower of Paine in february for two weeks, with two friends, and I writed about this in others post before xD

this is all! see you later, Regards , Merry Christmas!

jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016

A one on one (Quino and Yuzuru Hanyu)

Hi geobloggers!

Today I will speak about a person with that I would like have a one-on-one conversation, I have 2 men that I would like meet and have a conversation, these are Quino and Yuzuru Hanyu.

Joaquin Salvador Lavado better known like "Quino", is an Argentine cartoonist of 84 years old, his comic most famous is "Mafalda", I first heard about this person when I had 12 years old in 2007, when my older brother brought to home a book of Quino called "Toda Mafalda" this is a book with more than 500 pagines of comic strips,  I read this book 6 times that year and I laughed all times in the same parts. I love his comics that have social criticism but with a sarcastic humour, is interesting and hilarious, I would like to ask him how he can do very complex themes, like the problems of the society, and make them seem simple and with humor, this is amazing! he is awesome, I would like tell him that I admire him  and love his work.

Yuzuru Hanyu is the most important ice skater in the world right now, he have 22 years old and he was born in Japan, he is the present olimpyc champion and he broked many world records in his discipline, he has the highest scores in ice skate. I first heard about this person was three weeks ago, when I knew that an anime of this season that I love is based in yuzuru hanyu. I love this skater because is very differet to the others skater, he add moves of the woman skaters to his routine , his skating is very delicated, elegant and flowing and his programs are very expressive and beautifuls, he look like he can fly. I would like to ask he What do you feel when you skate?, What do you feel to be the best in the world?, and finally I would like to ask him if he want be my boyfriend jajaja xD.

This is all! good bye!

jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016


Hi Geobloggers!

How are you today?, This time I will speak about a subject of this semester interesting for me, And I will write about "Hidrology", This subject is about the water and its processes in the Earth, its cycles and all the things related to this natural resource.

The class is every mondays from 8:30 to 13:30 hrs. and the teacher of Hidrology is called Francisco Ferrando. The subject is very interesting because explain processes that happen since millions of years ago in our planet, like the cycle of the water, some formations related to this natural resource, among many others; also explain things that happend in the actuality, like the pollution provocated by the industres,  the pollution of the water of rivers, oceans, lakes, groundwater and even the pollution present in the potable water of a plastic bottle. Also teaches us how many water there is in the earth and give us concience about the problem of the climate change and the shortage of sweet water for our life and the life of all the criatures in the Earth; problems that would can trigger wars in the future. All that knowledge is very interesting, however the teacher Ferrando have a voice very monotone, so I always sleepy in the middle of the class.

This subject is very useful in my professional life because is about one of the most important natural resource in our planet, "the water", it is present in all, and like professional of the geography is very important know this theme, also is a theme that is progressively more important in the life of the human for the shortage of this resource and the danger that this implies to our existence.

this is all! regards

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

A hobby

Hi Geobloggers!

Good morning! today I will write about a hobby that I have, ok, I don't sure if I have some hobby, but  I will name some things that I do in my free time like, see anime, collect notebooks and  appointment books, read and sing, 

The first, watch anime, I doing it since always, when I was a children I saw cartoons in the tv but when I join to the high school I started to see anime and read manga in the computer  like a crazy girl xD, I saw and readed many many many anime and manga, I can't count it, the last time that I tried to count the anime that I saw, I counted 600 aproximately, and this was 5 years ago, and I readed more manga than anime xD. I love anime and manga beacuse it helped me to keep me whit live in the moment most difficult of my life, and with it I could learn many things about japanese culture and I was able to have fun and cry while I saw it

The second, collect notebooks and appointment books, I don't know when started, I love the design of the litle notebooks and appointment books since child, it are very delicated and beautiful, for this I can't write in it. but I love buying and collect them in my bedroom, I have 60 notebooks and appointment books aproximately without write, I love so much that I learnt like doing notebooks and I doing some for my collection xD

The third, read, I love read since child, I always readed 10 books in the year in the school for obligation but I always readed more than this, in my holydays I readed among 5 or 10 books, my house is full of books, for this I could read every time, I love read because I can imagine many worlds and I can smile, cry, enjoy and hate in a book, I can feel many emotions and the same time I learn vocabulary.

the fourth , sing, I love sing since my 8 years old when my mother made me join to music workshop in the school. I started to learn to play flute, piano and guitar and I join to the chorus to learn lyrical sing, and I loved of this, I sing in the chorus by 5 years, in the highschool I joined to music class, and some 2 years ago I took lessons of popular sing. My dream was be a singer, but I don't have the necessary talent nor enough confidence in myself for join to the career of singer in the university, however I always sing in my house and bother to my neighbours xD

Traveling and climbing hills are my hobbies too, but I writted about this before :D

this is all! goodbye

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016

A Famous Chilean

Hi Geobloggers ¿how are you?

Today I will speak about a famous chilean, and in this post I choose write about Victor Jara (1932-1973), he is a composer and singer of the "New Chilean Song", was famous in many counntries in the world beacuse he played music with social and political thems, also he was part of the Communist Party and he was murder in 1973 in the coup d'état, wass transformed his songs in a fight emblem for tyhe people during the military dictatorship.

I knew to Victor Jara since always xD, all my life! my family always was in favor of the fight by the social justice, and my familly was very damaged by the military dictatorship, my grandfather was political prisioner, my aunt and my mother was tortured, my cousin was murder, among others, for all these reasons, my parents always listened protest music and always they told me the stories about the people that fought for the human rights like they was heroes, and among them was Victor  Jara, a man that fought to the end of his live for defend to the people and to the dream of a better world, where the people have the sames rights and chances, a place where the people can live withaout pain produced by the poverty and the exploitation of other people.

For all these reaons I admire to this person, and all people that fought, fight and will figth by a bettter world. If I would met with he (thing that is impossible, because he is dead) I think that I will tell him thanks!, for all his work, and for his strength.

This is all!! Regards!

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016

A Celebration

Hi Geobloggers!

Today I woke up ill, so I don't went to the class, I don't have a memorable birthday, for this today I will speak about the wedding of my brother, this celebration was very important for me, he married to Esteli the 6 of february of this year (2016)

In my family we are three siblings, 2 woman and 1 man, My brother is the only man among the siblings, besides he has always had a beautiful heart, a friendly personality and a soul of children, so although he have 35 years old (13 years more that me) I love to my brother like if was more young that me xD.

The wedding was beautiful, it was on a plot in Pirque, was an outdoor wedding, they don't married for the church, they married by civil, and the ceremony was like a catholic ceremony but with a judge instead of  a priest.

All was decorated with sunflowers, and the seats was small pieces of trunks over the grass, The bride wore a beautiful  white dress and the groom a typical tuxedo.

I cried all the ceremony!!! for many reasons xD but the principal reason is because in the wedding wasn't our mother because she die six years ago, and wasn't our father because he was in the hospital, so my brother don't had any parents in your wedding and this was very sad , however was many family and friends.

After of wedding ceremony everyone moved to other place for take the wedding picture, and I with a niece of Esteli distributed, to everyone, small bags with red paper's hearts that I made and prepared days ago :D and everyone throwed this hearts over the couple.

After, the bride and groom went up to a small castle that was inside the plot for give some words to the guests and then everyone went to eat near a pool in middle of beautiful trees.

To finish everyone went to a hall for receive the bouquet, drink and dance.

This is all! see you later!