viernes, 3 de junio de 2016

A geographical feature

Hi geobloggers

Today I will write about a geographical feature, I love the water and everything related to this, like lakes, rivers, seas, waterfalls, among others.

For this text, I searched in internet: "places with interesting geographical features and related with water", and found many interesting and beautiful places around the world. and among them I can highlight:  lake Hillier, the Grand Prismatic spring, the salt flat of uyuni, river caño cristales, the great blue hole,  Plitvice lakes, Badab-e surt and Pamukkale,

To tell the truth, I couldn't decide which of them write obout, for that, I decided to write a little about every one :D.

Lake Hillier

It's a pink lake that is located in Australia, it lies just next to the Pacific Ocean, its measurement are: 600 metres in length and 250 metres in width approximately.  The scientists don't understand still the reason of its colors, but they suppose that is owing to the presence of the Dunaliella salina microalgae.
Lake Hillier isn't the only pink lake in the world, but unlike others, it keep its color all time.

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Grand Prismatic spring

It's a hot spring that is located in the United States, in Yellowstone National Park, its measurement are: 112 metres in diameter approximately and over 37 metres deep. It's the third largest in the world, and the main charasteristic of this hot spring,  is its color that seem like a rainbow, these color are owing to the prescense of pigmented thermophilic bacteria. 


Salt flat of Uyuni

Is the world's largest salt flat, it's located in Bolivia at 3.656 metres above sea level, it's 10.582 square kilometers of surface. Salt flat of Uyuni was formed as a result of evaporated lake prehistoric saltwater, leaving a salt crust several meters thick. Its main attraction is the amazing landscape when it is covered with water, becomes a giant puddle, and you can see the reflection of sky and clouds.

River Caño Cristales

Is a river located in Colombia, it's 100km long, also is called "river of five color" or "Liquid rainbow", because you can see in it vivacious colors: red, yellow,green, blue and black, these color are owing to the prescense of Macarena Clavigera", a endemic aquatic plant, in its bottom.

It's not beautiful? :D
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Great blue hole

Is a giant submarine circular limestone sinkhole located to 100 kilometres off the coast of Belize, it's 300 metres wide and 125 metres deep, The great blue hole was a limestone caves system during the last glacial period, but when the water level rose, the cave system was under the sea and collapsed forming a perfect circle. It has a great biodiversity and therefore it is destination for recreational scuba divers. This formation was declared world heritage site in 1996.

Plitvice lakes National Park

It's located in Croatia, The National Park has an area of 300 square kilometres and it is composed for 16 crystalline lakes inter-connected by a series of waterfalls and cascades, The lakes are separated by traventine barriers in which the water flowing over limonstone and chalk. This park was declared world heritage site in 1979.

Badab-e surt

It's located in Irán, Is a range of stepped travertine terrace formations, this are located at 1840 metres above sea level and was created for the flow of water from two mineral hot springs, that deposited carbonates that with the time became in traventine (a sedimentary rock)  over thousands of years, forming natural water wells of colors like orange, red and yellow.

Badab-e Surt


It's located in Turkey, also is called "cotton castle", these traventine terraces were formed by earthquakes and underground volcanic activity that created many hot springs that, the same as the previous, deposited carbonates that with the time became in traventine, also are composed by creta (a sedimentary rock) that gives them the white color. This formation was declared world heritage site in 1988.

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I hope can go to some of these places someday for see the natural beauty and contemplate the interesting geography of these amazing landscapes.


2 comentarios:

  1. Camila Hi! nice post! I think you really like rivers and lakes haha. All are very nice! but especially the second and how it is formed!

  2. it that more I impressed in this post are the photos!! are incredibles!!!!!!
