jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016

Strange Days on Planet Earth

Hello Geobloggers!

Today I will write about a documentary that I saw in the class called "Strange Days on Planet Earth". This is a documentary that talk about climate change and its consequences in the life on the planet Earth. This documentary showing differents places (to kilometers of distance) and differents species of life affected by the climate change.

I enjoyed with the documentary because I like so much see documentaries about nature and I find very interesting the climate change, because is an urgent theme that affect to all globe, also the differents cases presented in the documentary and its connections doing more interesting the documentary.

The documentary is in english and I tried of understand this listening to narrator, but I couldn't understand very well, because the narrator spoke very fast, so I understood like 1/3 of the words that I listened and the rest I understood reading the subtitles.

I see many documentaries about nature, I love this, so I see this type of documentary frequently, I would love watch other documentaries like this in the future in the class like the episode 12 called "The World Set Free" of  serie "Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey" http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3mozuz

Ok, this is all! Regards!

jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016

A Book

Hi Geobloggers!

Today I will speak about a book that I like, I wanted write about "Santa María de las flores negras" by Hernán Rivera Letelier, but I think that I don't can fill out the 200 words that I need write for this class, for this I decided write about the "Fundation Series" by Isaac Asimov.

I found this book by recommendation of a friend of my old sister, this is a science fiction series, I read these books in 2010,  this serie have 3 books about the foundations (foundation trilogy) published in 1951, 1952 y 1953, but the author wrote many books along of his career related to the principal story that help you to understand better the storyline, of this manner you need read 21 books for complete the serie, these books are prequels and sequels of the story, exist differents forms of read these books, like: read in chronological order of the story or read in order of publication, or, first, read the fundation trilogy and after the rest, among others.

In the begining I don't wanted read this book, because I don't liked science fiction and  because I had read a book of Isaac Asimov before and I don't liked this, however the friend of my sister talked to me about this series and explained  to me very well the book so I wanted try read this, and finally I loved these books, the author was a scientist and put many of knowledge and some theories of other scientists in the story, like Gaia theory. The books relate the history of the humanity in the future, how change the humanity for expanded your horizons to the galaxy and what happend with the Earth in this process, all the story is narrated since the future, is very interesting and enjoyable, however Isaac Asimov die before of finish your story, so calling 3 famous writers for finish the story and in 3 books they wrote the end.

This is all! Regards!!

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016

A Holiday

Hello Geobloggers!!

Today I will speak about a holiday, I wanted write about Rapa Nui but I written about this in the past, so although many classmates wrote about Towers of Paine the Last Semester, I will write about this :D

I went in february of this year to Puerto Natales, Towers of Paine and Punta Arenas for two weeks, I went with two friends "Alondra" and "Kira".

First we went to Puerto Natales where we camping for two days and went to the "Milodon Cave",

later we went to Towers of Paine for six days, we doing the "w",
 my friends dont't walk very much for that never walked toghether xD, the first day in towers of Paine we walked with ours backpack to the Camping Los chilenos and put up our tent, the second day we wake up to four o'clock for climb to Towers and see the sunrise but in the way started to snow, so we don't could see very well the sunrise, however was a beautiful experience, the third day we walked to the next camping called "Los Cuernos" in way to this place started a wind storm and my friends arrived to the camping three hours after of me!, because of this we don't  had place for put up the tend, and when we could put up the tent, the hard wind broke a rod of the tent and my friends go into a panic, but soon they calms and they sleep very well, nevertheless I don't could sleep for all night scary of the wind xD. the  last two days in Towers of Paine we went to camping "Paine Grande" and we went to see the Glacier Grey.

The next seven days we stayed in Punta Arenas, we walked around of the city, we saw the "estrecho de Magallanes", visited wetland ,  and we visited many museums,

 and the last day I went lonely to see penguins to the Magdalena Island, was amazing! I don't can choose a favourite part, in all this travel I enjoyed very much, was beautifull!

Ok, this is all! regards!